ISIS and the Syria inflection point

By James "Spike" Stephenson

October 3, 2014   |   0 comments

Irrespective of the modern trappings of warfare—artillery, automatic weapons, captured armored vehicles, Kalashnikovs and rocket-propelled grenades—the playbook of ISIS is straight out of the seventh century. It has used the largely unguarded, ungoverned spaces of eastern Syria as a staging area to strike weakened areas of Iraq and Syria. ...
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Who will fight against ISIS?

By James "Spike" Stephenson

September 19, 2014   |   0 comments

Following a flurry of visits by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to build a coalition of traditional Western and Middle Eastern allies to combat the Islamic State (ISIS), France hosted a conference on Sept. 15 to determine what each of those allies will bring to the table and the battlefield....
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Curing the disease of electoral fraud

By Jeffrey Carlson

September 9, 2014   |   0 comments

Vote fraud is like a cancerous growth that will spread throughout the system and ultimately affect a state’s governance. If vote fraud is the disease, then the cure is creating and sustaining functioning electoral integrity systems that prevent, mitigate and deter vote fraud....
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Why Traveling for Work is Awful, and the Best

By Jennifer Brookland

July 24, 2014   |   0 comments

It happened the first time in Honduras, where my organization had sent me to document programmatic success. We had rushed around all day, flinging wires and lights around, lugging our cameras and backpacks from interview to interview, scribbling notes and shaking hands. ...
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To End Preventable Child Deaths, Look Beyond Health

By Morgan Simon

June 27, 2014   |   0 comments

Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, World Bank President Jim Kim and U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Rajiv Shah are sharing their baby photos to honor the millions of children around the world who will celebrate their fifth birthdays....
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“If You Know What Happiness is to You”

By Michael McCabe

June 10, 2014   |   0 comments

It seems like being happy is en vogue in the international media these days. From the crackdown on Iranian youth making a video to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” to various indices ranking the level of happiness of people living in the countries around the world, the debate over happiness is on....
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