Yemen’s children cannot wait for education aid

By Joy du Plessis and Wendy Wheaton

May 11, 2015   |   0 comments

Thousands of Yemeni first graders only completed a half-year of schooling this year due to conflict. What will happen to them? Education during conflict plays a vital role in rebuilding crisis-affected communities. Yemen’s children cannot wait for education aid....
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The difference between boys and girls is all in our heads

By Diane Prouty

April 20, 2015   |   0 comments

One of the most formative chapters of my life started the month I arrived slightly more than a mile from the equator, high in the “Mountains of the Moon” in what was then Zaire. As a well-educated “mzungu,” I honestly… Read More


A personal journey for social change from Monrovia to D.C.

By Luther Jeke

March 10, 2015   |   4 comments

I can still remember the night of Dec. 21 when I boarded the Air Maroc flight to Dakar, Senegal. My mom traveled seven hours from rural Liberia to see me off. I had just celebrated my daughter’s second birthday the day before, and Ebola was still in full swing throughout the country....
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How Raj Shah reshaped USAID

By Sean C. Carroll

January 8, 2015   |   2 comments

When the U.S. Agency for International Development celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011, Raj Shah told me and others at the agency, in so many words, that we should make sure USAID doesn’t live to see 100....
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For better Mideast strategy U.S. should “Keep Calm and Carry On”

By James “Spike” Stephenson

December 19, 2014   |   0 comments

The iconic British government poster—Keep Calm and Carry On—issued in 1939 epitomized the resolve that came to be associated with British resilience through six long years of World War II, much of it on the losing end, before victory in 1945....
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