Remedying the underrepresentation of women in Burmese elections

By Tihana Bartulac Blanc

July 14, 2015   |   0 comments

Burmese democracy has a famously female face in Aung San Suu Kyi, but women are still underrepresented in politics. Electoral integrity expert Tihana Bartulac Blanc explores this phenomenon in Burmese politics and how to remedy it. ...
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CSOs & solar-powered computers to drive Cambodia’s electoral progress

By Christopher Smyser

June 29, 2015   |   0 comments

With the passage of long-awaited electoral reform laws, Cambodia’s civil society and an educated electorate will play a key role in ensuring that the laws in practice advance democracy. Solar-powered computers may be one innovative, environmentally-friendly and affordable tool to provide voter education and keep democracy on track....
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Moroccan youth rediscover joy in learning

By Eric Rusten

May 21, 2015   |   0 comments

Soon after most children start formal school, the joy of learning, a joy that begins at birth, fades because of the “pushing rope” approach that is all too common in formal education. If learning is a core goal, then we must create an environment that allows learners to rediscover the joy inherent in all learning....
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LA’s lessons for gang violence reduction

By Guillermo Cespedes

May 18, 2015   |   0 comments

LA has transformed itself from a prime example of the problem of gang violence in the 1990s to a leading source of potential solutions to gang violence today. What can LA teach us about confronting gang violence and extremism around the world?...
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