ZAMBIA: Education and Community Support Promote Health Outcomes

February 20, 2013

ZAMBIA: Education and Community Support Promote Health Outcomes Supporting learners as "whole children" cultivates sustainable life skills. In Zambia, Creative is addressing the need for a comprehensive, inclusive approach to education by implementing components that address learners’ needs for support... Read More

ELECTORAL SECURITY: Addressing Electoral Conflict

February 20, 2013

Over the last two years in what has been termed the “Arab Spring,” the collapse of long-standing regimes in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya has created space for political contestation that citizens in these countries had never before experienced....
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ZAMBIA: Helping Children Learn to Read from the Ground Up

November 28, 2012

ZAMBIA: Helping Children Learn to Read from the Ground Up In Zambia, Ministry of Education officials partnered with USAID through the Read To Succeed Project to increase parental and community involvement in school activities. Hands-on involvement by parents and community... Read More