Peace Building in Eastern Congo

The State Department provided funding to Creative to evaluate the opportunities for peace building in the Eastern Congo. The proof of concept mission looked specifically at whether direct talks between belligerents were feasible and offered the possibility of reducing the violence in North Kivu, South Kivu and Maneima provinces, as well as actions to support the results of any negotiations. The report concluded that timing was propitious to support peace building in the region....

Nigeria/State Education Account (SEA)/Kano & Zamfara

Creative implemented State Education Account projects in Nigeria’s Kano and Zamfara states where authorities face the challenge of planning, administering and managing thousands of primary schools and hundreds of secondary schools. By developing the capacity to successfully implement a State Education Account, the state Ministries of Education were able to more closely examine education expenditures, including those from private, public and donor funds to make more informed decisions in educational resource allocations. ...

Nigeria/Community Participation for Action in the Social Sectors (COMPASS)

In partnership with the Nigerian government, USAID launched the Community Participation for Action in the Social Sectors which combined the expertise of five American and four Nigerian partner organizations to engage local communities in building high quality, integrated health and education services. Creative, an implementing partner, provided technical assistance in primary education and school health, and mobilized parent-teacher associations to improve school infrastructure and develop instructional materials. ...

Mozambique IOM II Provincial Fund Implementation

Building on its previous experience in Angola, Creative worked with the International Organization on Migration to support reintegration programs for ex-combatants through community funds that maximized opportunities for social and economic adjustment. Creative drafted a strategy document to launch a provincial fund for reintegration programs and then supported implementation of a fund to finance ex-combatant micro-enterprise initiatives....

Mozambique IOM I

Creative, working with USAID/Maputo and the International Organization on Migration, provided reintegration services for ex-combatants of Mozambique's civil war. Creative assessed potential needs for reintegration and provided a final report on an implementation strategy for a Provincial Fund for Mozambique....

Mozambique Assessment Ex-Combatants Reintegration

Creative worked with the UN Office of Humanitarian Assistance Coordination and UNDP as well as RENAMO, government officials and donors to assess referral services for demobilized soldiers from the conflict. The final report, A Feasibility Study of Referral Services for the Demobilized, presented a rationale for referral services, requirements for initiating services in Mozambique and a recommended plan of action. The study served as a basis for developing an information and referral service program....