Guinea/Fundamental Quality and Equity Levels (FQEL)

Guinea improved the quality of and access to education for girls in the country’s 3,500 elementary schools. Creative provided support, through the USAID-funded Fundamental Quality and Equity Levels project, to the government in designing and implementing reforms. Emphasis was on changes in classroom practices through reform of curricula; development of materials and delivery systems; and teacher training, supervision and assessment as well as on changes in policy, planning and management of the education system. ...

Guinea/Basic Education Evaluation

Creative evaluated two basic education sector reform support projects in Guinea, assessing actual versus planned progress toward their goals and determining the projects' effectiveness in support of a multi-donor Education Sector Adjustment Program. A focus of the evaluation was women in development issues. The evaluation assisted USAID and the government in reassessing the need and effectiveness for continued assistance. It provided recommendations for adjustments in project design and helped to direct follow-on activities. ...

Zambia/Human and Institutional Resources Development Project

Creative initiated the Zambia Human and Institutional Resources Development Project by conducting a manpower assessment study to assist the government in developing its technical, administrative and managerial human and institutional resources in the most critical areas of shortage. The study evaluated the status of managerial and technical skills as well as the appropriateness of those skills in satisfying Zambia's then-current political, economic and social development needs. ...

Uganda/Support for Uganda Primary Education Reform (SUPER)

Under the USAID-funded Support for Uganda Primary Education Reform project, Creative worked with the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports and district officials to develop strategies that lead to more valuable community involvement in boosting school access and quality for disadvantaged groups of children, particularly girls. Creative procured and distributed the equipment, material and supplies necessary to carry out the project effectively....

Uganda – Initiative for TDMS and PIASCY (UNITY)

The USAID-funded Ugandan Initiative for Teacher Development and Management System and the Presidential Initiative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to Youth, or UNITY, support efforts to improve education and expand implementation of the Presidential Initiative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to Youth. UNITY expanded the Revitalization of Education Participation and Learning in Conflict Areas program which helps meet educational needs of children affected by the conflict as well as parents, teachers and school administrators. ...
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