Angola OTI’s Interim Luanda Office

Creative provided technical assistance to the United Nations with respect to community revitalization and reintegration in Angola following the Lusaka peace accords. In 1997, Creative provided USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives an in-depth assessment of the firm's program design and objectives for community revitalization projects in Angola's Planalto region. The report examined the validity of the program design and objectives, reviewed the status of activities in two field-base areas of operation, reviewed assumptions incorporated into the program and considered constraints to its implementation....

Angola Demobilization and Reintegration

Capitalizing on its extensive expertise in demobilization, reintegration and revitalization in countries that experienced protracted civil conflict, Creative rapidly provided staff and technical assistance to the UN Office of Humanitarian Coordination in Angola after the signing of the Lusaka peace accords. Using funds provided by USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives, Creative staffed six key personnel positions and provided technical assistance in the areas of demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants....

Angola Assessment of Reintegration and Demobilization Requirements

Creative conducted a preliminary analysis of reintegration and demobilization program requirements for USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Response. The report assessed the status of peace talks in Lusaka, Angola, as well as experiences, issues and concerns of major stakeholders. A four-member team with expertise in demining, reintegration, demobilization and humanitarian assistance reviewed needs in each of these areas through discussions with delegates to the peace talks, Angolan government officials, leaders of the UNITA rebel force, international donors and United Nations agencies....

Angola 2007 Assessment of World Bank ARDP

The World Bank contracted with Creative to undertake the independent annual review of the Bank's Angola Demobilization and Reintegration project to assess the relevance and effectiveness of program design, implementation modalities and program implementation in light of both program goals and Angolan needs....

Angola 2005 World Bank Review of Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration Program

Creative undertook an independent review of the progress of the World Bank's Angola Demobilization and Reintegration (ADRP) program. Building on experiences in Angola and other post-war societies, as well as on lessons learned to date from community-based development projects in the country, ADRP provided economic and social reintegration assistance to help ex-combatants establish sustainable livelihoods. The review assessed the relevance and effectiveness of program design, implementation of modalities and program activities to date in light of program goals and objectives. ...


Creative provided gender awareness training and technical assistance to the Support for Uganda Primary Education Reform (SUPER) project, a USAID-sponsored effort to provide the Ministry of Education with technical support to improve primary education. Creative developed instructional materials based on "Beyond Enrollment: A Handbook for Improving Girls' Experiences in Primary Classrooms" for 19 refresher courses; provided gender-sensitivity training for teaching/learning material developers and teacher trainers; and oversaw the development of a plan integrating the lessons into the new Teacher Development and Management System. ...