ETHRD III/Lesotho/Design of Primary Education Program Assistance Authorization Document

Creative assisted USAID in completing the analysis for and design of the Program Assistance Authorization Document for the Lesotho Primary Education Project. The team identified and analyzed key public and private organizations involved with primary education reform, assessing their capacity to undertake the primary education reform program, and then recommended strategies to strengthen their institutional capacity. In-country and overseas training plans were developed for educational professionals to implement and monitor reforms and activities. ...

ETHRD III/Guinea-Bissau/Evaluation of AFRICARE Training Programs

Creative conducted an assessment in Guinea-Bissau of the Vocational Skills Training Project and the Tombali Sustainable Rural Initiatives Project , both implemented by AFRICARE with USAID funds. The assessment included the evaluation of the interim programs’ effects, financial costs, and financial and organizational sustainability on implementing a human resources development program in the private sector of Guinea-Bissau. Recommendations were given to USAID on how to structure and draw on AFRICARE to contribute to USAID's program....


The USAID-funded Support to Primary Education project was designed to expand the numbers and skill levels of primary school teachers in Cameroon’s north and northwestern provinces and provide support to program administrators, with the goal of increasing access to quality primary education. Creative provided administrative and logistical support and authored the annual project evaluations....

ETHRD III/Egypt/Mid-term Evaluation of Integrated English Language Program

USAID signed a four-year Cooperative Agreement in 1990 with the Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Education through four English language program components, which comprised the Integrated English Language Program. In 1993, Creative conducted a mid-term evaluation of the program focused on identification of strengths and weaknesses of, various assessments of, and recommendations to be considered for the four components. ...


Imbalances in the labor pool meant there were too many unskilled and uneducated workers for the number of available positions and too few highly skilled and educated individuals qualified for others. Creative conducted a needs assessment of Botswana's workforce under the USAID-funded capacity building Workforce and Skills Training (BWAST) project and provided technical assistance and training to increase skill level development and further employment generation....

ETHRD III/Egypt/Final Evaluation of Egypt`s Basic Education I Project

Creative conducted a final evaluation of Egypt's Basic Education I Project on improved access and quality of education, and provided lessons learned to guide USAID and the Ministry of Education in implementation of a follow-on project. The team assessed the impact of school construction on improved access to basic education; evaluated new school construction sites; made conclusions on school construction design, quality and maintenance; and identified constraints to special education, teacher education and curriculum printing. ...