Egypt Media Development Program Evaluation

As a member of the ARD Analytical Services II IQC Consortium, Creative was part of a team that evaluated the USAID/Egypt Media Development Program. The evaluation provided findings, recommendations and lessons learned to USAID to meet project objectives and to increase the program’s impact. ...


USAID awarded Creative the contract to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the American University in Cairo Leadership for Education and Development Scholarship Program to assess the quality of program delivery and results and to make adjustments to the program if needed....

Education IQC/Swaziland/Evaluation of Teacher Training Project

Creative evaluated the effectiveness of Swaziland's Teacher Training Project in achieving five major areas of program development. One purpose of the training project was to develop sound linkages among the Ministry of Education, the Teacher Training Colleges, the Teachers' Innovation and Distribution Centers, the National Curriculum Centers and the University of Swaziland. The final report provided recommendations for improving these linkages and achieving acceptable institutional capacity at all levels prior to the project completion date....

BEPS/Ethiopia/Facilitating the USAID Africa Bureau’s Basic Education Exchange Workshop

Creative coordinated the Africa Bureau's "Basic Education Exchange Workshop" that focused on ideas and challenges shaping the future of African education. The five-day workshop, held in Ethiopia, brought together USAID staff from Washington and across Africa, along with other national stakeholders. It provided an opportunity for country teams to work together to address specific challenges while sharing research and tools with colleagues....

BEPS/Democratic Republic of Congo/Identifying Education and Policy Needs for Demobilized Child Soldiers

Creative, under the Basic Education Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, conducted an assessment of the educational needs of demobilized child soldiers and other war-affected children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The assessment team focused on identifying barriers to the social reintegration process and child soldier demobilization, and also evaluated existing institutional capacity and the monitoring of child soldier recruitment. The team concluded that institutional structures were needed to oversee and coordinate the reintegration and demobilization processes....

BEPS/Burundi/Assessing Options for Reintegration of Ex-Combatants

Creative, under the USAID-funded Basic Education and Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, conducted an assessment of youth reintegration for ex-combatants in Burundi for USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives. Creative collaborated with OTI on a program design for demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants into local communities in the country. To inform the design, an initial, two-week assessment of young ex-combatants' reintegration in Burundi following a nearly decade-long conflict was completed. ...