Somaliland: Capacity Assessment of the Ministry of Interior to Manage Civil Registry

Creative provided an assessment to the British Embassy of the Somaliland Ministry of Interior’s capacity to administer the post-election civil registry and personal identity cards programs. The assessment informed decision makers about the issues and capacities surrounding the civil registry and identity card concept. It also provided an implementation scenario by which this administrative capacity could be developed for the sustainable management of the multiple use civil registry and identity card programs....

Somaliland Quality Control Assessment of Voter Registration Information 2009

A Creative team conducted a two-part assessment for Interpeace of the status of the voter registration information server and the running of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System and the output of the Recognition software as well as the process of establishing the parameters and development of the Final Voter List....

Somaliland National Identity Card Assessment for UNDP 2007

To assess the feasibility and potential benefits of a Somaliland national identity card system, Creative provided an assessment for UNDP....

Somaliland Logistical & Technical Assistance for Presidential Elections 2010

Creative provided Interpeace with logistics support and technical guidance in preparation for the Presidential elections in Somaliland. During the voter registration phase, Creative's Logistics Officer, based in Hargeysa, helped develop the logistics and staff deployment plan and managed deployment of all voter registration kits. He provide logistics support prior to the Presidential elections and helped develop a logistics and commodities -- as well as a staff deployment -- plan for the elections....

Somaliland Development and Administration of a Civil Registry 2011

Creative worked with Interpeace to coordinate and develop a master civil registration plan....

Somalia Demobilization and Reintegration Assessment

At USAID's request, Creative provided an overview of reintegration programs for ex-combatants making the transition into civilian life. Based on Creative's extensive experience in El Salvador, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Honduras, a workshop was provided for a broader understanding of the challenges societies in transition face and a forum to exchange views on reintegration options and possible applications for Somalia. Creative assembled an international team to visit areas where small demobilization and reintegration programs were underway....