Uganda Final Evaluation of Demobilization and Reintegration Program

Creative evaluated the impact of USAID's efforts through the Uganda Demobilization and Reintegration Program Creative's task was to determine the program's success in assisting demobilized soldiers resettle and reintegrate as socially acceptable members of their communities. The evaluation team assessed the program within the terms of the original intent of the funding as a social reintegration program designed to enhance rural stability with economic improvement as a strategy....

SWIFT I Support to Angola’s Democratic Transition

Through Angola's Democratic Transition, funded by USAID, Creative increased the capacity of organizations and communities to address concerns by supporting independent media, promoting a culture of advocacy and increasing interaction between citizens and local governments. Activities included radio programs that engaged listeners in open discussions of issues such as reconciliation, land rights and corruption; civil rights training for market women; and creation of parents’ associations to work with administrators on school management....


Creative, in collaboration with UNICEF, worked with a team of vocational education experts and Southern Sudanese officials to draft a policy and framework for vocational training to improve employment opportunities for its youth. Creative assisted the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in developing a vocational education plan for out-of-school children and youth to acquire the skills to be productive workers. ...

Sudan Strategic Participatory Town Planning

Creative worked with USAID and Southern Sudan to expand a successful pilot town planning project in Rumbek to all ten State capitals. Creative developed a strategy that used town planning to promote urban development, build local capacity, generate jobs, provide job training and mobilize communities. Gender equity was incorporated into all activities. Other activities included the installation of satellite communications systems connecting the Ministries of Physical Infrastructure in each state and training in participatory urban planning and land management to government ministries....

Sudan Rumbek Pilot Project

Working with the UN Development Programme and the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement, Creative developed a strategy to use town planning as a platform to promote local governance while addressing immediate resource issues such as land tenure and land use, all within a participatory and consensus-based process. The project generated a topographical town survey sufficient to create a Master Plan which serves as an invaluable, visible, accountable and transparent social contract between town authorities and residents. ...

South Africa/Supporting Higher Education for Black South Africans through Tertiary Education Project Support (TEPS)

Creative managed the Tertiary Education Project Support unit that encouraged widespread consultation and collaboration in support of higher education for black South Africans and the NGO community that opposed apartheid. The unit stressed empowerment of black South African individuals and organizations. It designed and implemented a multi-year training plan consisting of several key components, and designed, supported, and monitored short-term training programs for approximately 3,230 South Africans....