Liberia/Accelerated Learning Program PLUS (ALP PLUS)

Under the USAID-funded Accelerated Learning Program PLUS Creative provided Liberia's out-of-school youth with learning opportunities to secure their transition to peaceful, productive, community-oriented adulthood. Results included: increasing quality learning opportunities for 45,000 students ages 10-18; increasing quality learning opportunities for 10,500 out-of-school youth ages 18-35; and engaging 8,000 youth in improving school facilities through service learning. ...

Liberia Transition Initiative

Creative managed USAID’s Liberia Transition Initiative which addressed critical bottlenecks in the peace process and supported civil society's participation through small grants, community reintegration for war-affected youth and accelerated learning for overage children. The initiative provided more than $7.8 million in grants for a variety of activities that helped NGOs and government ministries resume operations, revitalize communities and raise public awareness of issues tied to Liberia’s transition....

Liberia Reintegration and Recovery Planning

Creative provided technical support to USAID's Africa Bureau and its Monrovia Mission, preparing an in-depth report on the disarmament and demobilization process. The report looked at the outcome of the disarmament and demobilization operations carried out in Liberia from November 1996 to February 1997; assessed the impact of these operations on the existing security conditions in the country; and identified areas for intervention activities to improve security conditions and support national reintegration efforts....

Lesotho/Primary Education Program

Creative worked with the College of Education of Ohio University and the Department of Educational Theory and Practice of the State University of New York, Albany on the Primary Education Program to design a program that would increase access to and the quality of primary education. Creative focused on policy development, infrastructural support and technical adjustments in teacher education and examinations to strengthen Lesotho's institutional capacity to formulate and implement policies and address technical concerns....

Kenya Professional Leadership in Ethics

Creative provided short-term strategic technical expertise and direct capacity building support to a World Bank-funded project to bolster organizations promoting public sector ethics and professionalism. Specifically, the project worked to enhance the growth and expansion of the Association of Professional Societies of East Africa and the Makerere Center for Applied Ethics. The project's goal was to increase the sustainability and effectiveness of the organizations' leadership and the application of their ethics roles....

Guinea/Fundamental Quality and Equity Levels (FQEL)

Guinea improved the quality of and access to education for girls in the country’s 3,500 elementary schools. Creative provided support, through the USAID-funded Fundamental Quality and Equity Levels project, to the government in designing and implementing reforms. Emphasis was on changes in classroom practices through reform of curricula; development of materials and delivery systems; and teacher training, supervision and assessment as well as on changes in policy, planning and management of the education system. ...