Nigeria: Introducing basic education to Qur’anic schools

Millions of school-aged children in Northern Nigeria are not in traditional public schools. Instead, they attend religious schools that teach them verses from the Qur'an. In cooperation with Nigerian officials and Qur'anic school owners, USAID and Creative launched the Northern Education Initiative to provide access to basic education to these children. It has been a success....
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Nigeria: Education brings a brighter future for girls

Girls in Northern Nigeria have limited or no access to basic education—making them vulnerable to exploitation, abuse and/or poverty. Creative’s Northern Education Initiative worked with communities, parents, NGOs and educators to change the situation through the Adolescent Girls Program. It opened 19 training centers that offered a curriculum that combined marketable skills with basic literacy and math classes....
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Libya: Youth-powered civil society

Civil society may be new to Libya, but it gaining strength and energy—powered to a large degree by youth. The H2O network is drawing in a generation of civic leaders who are launching on-the-ground campaigns for positive change and, in the process, shifting the perspectives of Libyans on what engaged citizenship looks like. ...
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Libya: What Delaware taught these MENA students

What can a student from the Middle East and North Africa region learn in Delaware? This group of students gained skills and knowledge on a U.S. trip that will help them to create the positive change they seek in their own countries. ...
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Libya: Standing up for positive change

Libya’s Revolution was about more than just ousting a dictator. It was a chance for Libyans to stand up for better their society. The Free Generation Movement empowers and mobilizes volunteers to take an active role in creating that positive change. ...
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Libya: Finding missing loved ones & a bit of hope

Nearly 10,000 Libyans are missing—a direct result of the revolution, ongoing conflict and previous decades of authoritarian rule—leaving family members struggling to find answers and cope with loss. The Mafqood Center provides a safe place for family members of missing persons to get support and work together to address shared legal and social challenges....
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