Zambia – Makhalidwe Athu mobile reading project

Makhalidwe Athu is a mobile reading project bringing reading to Zambian children who often have no access to books at home. Through SMS, children will receive more than 50 local tales, crowdsourced from the community. More than 4,000 community members will be involved in the project, which is funded through All Children Reading....
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ZAMBIA: Turning the page for better schools

Some 35 percent of Zambians ages 15 to 24 are illiterate—the highest rate in Southern Africa. The Zambian government and USAID are teaming up with communities, schools and parents to boost literacy through quality curriculum and improving overall school effectiveness. See how this whole school, whole teacher, whole learner approach is spreading a culture of reading and keeping students on track in and out of the classroom. ...
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Ongoing teacher development brings student literacy gains

July 30, 2015

Through ongoing training, coaching and mobile-based support, educators around Zambia are gaining the needed skills to boost their students’ reading. USAID/Read to Succeed’s professional development for teachers is prompting classroom creativity, active learning and real results for learners. ...
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