To achieve the new SDGs, reliable development data is key

By Luther Jeke

October 30, 2015   |   3 comments

Access to information is key to holding our governments accountable. And to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the next 15 years that accountability is indispensable, writes ICT4D expert Luther Jeke....
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Education for Nigeria’s displaced children featured on VOA

October 29, 2015

On the anniversary of the Nigeria Education Crisis Response Program, the plight of thousands of displaced children and the transformative education response was the focus of Voice of America’s HashtagVOA broadcast. The program supports some of the most vulnerable children....
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Getting away with murder

Violence occurs in 1 in 5 elections globally—in rare instances, rising to the level of a crime against humanity. In this paper, electoral violence expert Jeff Fischer examines three cases of crimes against humanity in an electoral context—Cote D’Ivoire in 2010, Kenya in 2007 and East Timor in 1999. Fischer analyzes the institutions and processes associated with bringing justice and possibilities for prevention....
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Morocco charts new course for improving middle school literacy

October 20, 2015

Middle school is a key time to master critical reading skills, but in Morocco middle school reading levels were down. See how the RASID program equipped teachers and coaches with the tools they needed to transform reading instruction and create a culture or literacy....
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Morocco: Creating a culture of reading in middle school

Middle school is a key time to master critical reading skills, but reading comprehension has been low among Moroccan students. The RASID project has started to reverse this, empowering teachers and coaches with the skills they need to bring effective reading instruction to students and spark a love for reading....
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