Tanzania: Tanzanian schools arrive in the digital age

Many schools in rural Tanzania don’t have electricity, let alone access to the internet. For the first time, schools in Mtwara and Zanzibar were hooked up to the outside world, and a host of electronic learning content that made teachers’ jobs easier and students excited to learn....
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Nigeria: Turning teachers into “stars”

Up to 70 percent of teachers in Nigeria's Bauchi state were found to be unqualified or were unaware of modern pedagogical techniques. Working with state education officials and teachers, a unique training program was launched that changed classroom learning for thousands of children. It is part of Creative’s Northern Education Initiative....
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Nigeria: Introducing basic education to Qur’anic schools

Millions of school-aged children in Northern Nigeria are not in traditional public schools. Instead, they attend religious schools that teach them verses from the Qur'an. In cooperation with Nigerian officials and Qur'anic school owners, USAID and Creative launched the Northern Education Initiative to provide access to basic education to these children. It has been a success....
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Nigeria: Education brings a brighter future for girls

Girls in Northern Nigeria have limited or no access to basic education—making them vulnerable to exploitation, abuse and/or poverty. Creative’s Northern Education Initiative worked with communities, parents, NGOs and educators to change the situation through the Adolescent Girls Program. It opened 19 training centers that offered a curriculum that combined marketable skills with basic literacy and math classes....
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