Nigeria: Instructors Meet Unique Needs of Displaced Children

Teachers working with Nigeria's internally displaced children and youth, many of whom have been traumatized by insurgent violence, are called upon to do far more than teach. USAID's Education Crisis Response program provides teachers at non-formal learning centers specialized sensitivity training and guides them in creating a friendly, welcoming and supportive learning environment....
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Nigeria: Providing Hope to Displaced Children

Ten-year old Dinah's mother was killed by insurgents. Her home and village were destroyed. She is one among hundreds of thousands of Nigerian children and youth whose lives have been derailed by violence. Fortunately, through USAID’s Education Crisis Response program, internally displaced children like Dinah have the chance to continue their education in one of the program's community based non-formal learning centers....
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Zambia: Whole student approach reaches vulnerable youth

Out of 441 students in Mankhaka Primary School, 45 have lost one or both parents due to HIV/AIDs, malaria or other causes. To support vulnerable learners and keep them in school, USAID/Read to Succeed is providing key psychosocial support through schools, peers and communities....
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Zambia: Learners make strides in local language literacy

In 1,200+ Zambian primary schools, learners are gaining ground in local language literacy as their teachers master new, more effective methods and community members mobilize to support education. In and out of the classroom, USAID/Read to Succeed equips students with the skills and support they need to succeed....
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Zambia: Mobile reading project brings local tales home

Makhalidwe Athu is a mobile reading project bringing reading to Zambian children who often have no access to books at home. Through SMS, children will receive more than 50 local tales, crowdsourced from the community. More than 4,000 community members will be involved in the project, which is funded through All Children Reading....
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