Countering Islamophobia: Reflections of an Unofficial Ambassador

By Benjamin Orbach

April 11, 2016   |   0 comments

In this blog, Ben Orbach, founder of the citizen diplomacy initiative America’s Unofficial Ambassadors, shares the experiences of unofficial American ambassadors to communities across the Muslim world and bringing those experiences home....
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To achieve the new SDGs, reliable development data is key

By Luther Jeke

October 30, 2015   |   3 comments

Access to information is key to holding our governments accountable. And to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the next 15 years that accountability is indispensable, writes ICT4D expert Luther Jeke....
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The big pledge: Sustainable Development Goals for all

By By Sean Carroll

September 25, 2015   |   0 comments

The 17 Global Goals, 169 indicators and 15,000 words in the accompanying agenda, can all be boiled down into one word—“inclusive.” Sean Carroll explores why reaching the furthest behind first and truly including “all” is so critical. ...
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