On a Journey with the AIDS Community: A Personal Perspective

By Mary Lyn Field-Nguer

July 26, 2012   |   0 comments

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the XIX International AIDS Conference. Conferences are times of learning, gaining perspective, celebrating progress, lamenting areas where things are stalled, recommitting to the effort, and reuniting with colleagues who have become compatriots and friends in the struggle. ...
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By Creative Associates International

May 22, 2012   |   0 comments

The Health, Education and Reconciliation (HEAR) Sudan project focuses on promoting education, school-based health and strengthening school governance to increase the access of healthy girls and boys to quality education through community support and action. HEAR Sudan, funded by USAID, operates in the Three Areas of Sudan – Abyei, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile – historically among the most neglected, disadvantaged and least developed parts of Sudan....
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Young Voices: Creative Youth in Development

By Creative Associates International

May 3, 2012   |   0 comments

On May 3, 2012, Creative Associates International was pleased to hold an event celebrating youth making a difference in their communities and around the world. The panel and discussion provided young people from diverse backgrounds the space to speak about their experiences growing up in conflict and transition environments and the impact of their experiences on their work to change the future of their nation. Speakers included youth voices from Afghanistan, Egypt, El Salvador and Liberia....
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Why Work at Creative?

By Kathryn Erksine

May 3, 2012   |   0 comments

Teaching former Central American gang members the job skills needed to reenter the workforce. Providing grants to make it safe for Afghan girls to attend school. Improving academic performance through self-esteem training in Morocco. Training rural farmers in Yemen on the benefits of composting and pesticides. Helping build the capacity of nascent civil society organizations in Libya....
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Embracing Rapid Advances In Technology To Empower Communities Worldwide

By Jacqui Deelstra

April 30, 2012   |   0 comments

In 2005 I spent Thanksgiving in the rural community of Kouthiaba in central Senegal. I used the one pay phone available in the community’s commercial center, the village of Kouthiaba Wolof, (which was also the only phone available in the whole community which includes dozens of villages) to call my family....
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