Pakistan Training for Pakistan

Creative partnered with the Institute of International Education to implement the USAID Training for Pakistan project....

Pakistan – Reading Project

Pakistan is one of the few countries where illiteracy rates are actually increasing. Government statistics show that primary school enrollment is only 66 percent, which means some 7.2 million children are not in classrooms....
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To End Preventable Child Deaths, Look Beyond Health

By Morgan Simon

June 27, 2014   |   0 comments

Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, World Bank President Jim Kim and U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Rajiv Shah are sharing their baby photos to honor the millions of children around the world who will celebrate their fifth birthdays....
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Scholarships reward promising Pakistani teachers

May 27, 2014

Eighty-four talented teachers-in-training from Punjab province received recognition and $2,000 scholarships from the Pakistan Reading Project as one piece of a national effort to improve literacy. They are pursuing their four-year bachelors’ degrees in education at eight universities across the region....
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Strong growth and private sector are keys to stability

March 28, 2014

With 80 percent of overseas spending now coming from foreign direct investment, the role of private sector in driving economic development is no longer optional, said former U.S. Ambassador James Michel at the March 26 Making Markets Work event, hosted by Creative Associates International....
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