LA’s lessons for gang violence reduction

By Guillermo Cespedes

May 18, 2015   |   0 comments

LA has transformed itself from a prime example of the problem of gang violence in the 1990s to a leading source of potential solutions to gang violence today. What can LA teach us about confronting gang violence and extremism around the world?...
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Video featuring Honduran pop singer wins global award

May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015 - A short video that profiles a popular Honduran singer’s collaboration on a project that provides an oasis of hope for youth in one of the world’s most murderous cities has taken first place in a prestigious, global contest. ...
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Countering violent extremism on & offline

April 6, 2015

From ISIS to Pakistan’s Taliban to Nigeria’s Boko Haram, extremist groups are grabbing headlines and radicalizing young recruits. Governments and development actors are working to mitigate the “push” and “pull” factors of extremism with prevention, community resilience and social media....
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