
Ghana panel: Women, Youth & Social Cohesion — Locally led innovations that lead to positive change

Ghana panel: Women, Youth & Social Cohesion — Locally led innovations that lead to positive change



Ghana panel: Women, Youth & Social Cohesion — Locally led innovations that lead to positive change from Creative Associates Int’l on Vimeo.

Panelists discuss how engaging youth and women into peacebuilding programs are critical to building social cohesion in Ghana. Organized by the USAID/OTI program called Littorals Regional Initiative, the session included Father Clement, Center for Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies, as the moderator and the following panelists:
Jawol Vera Magan is the director of youth empowerment for life (YEfL – Ghana); Abdul-Razak Farida Numbu is the project officer for the community development alliance (CDA-GHANA); and Daouda Dao, the Deputy Chief of Party – programs for the USAID/OTI Littorals Regional Initiative.