Climate resilience through traditional resources: Shea and fonio boost women’s livelihoods in Ghana

Posted May 10, 2024 .
By Pariesa Brody .
1 min read.

Traditional natural resources are unlocking environmental and economic opportunities for women in West Africa. Two companies partnered with the West Africa Trade & Investment Hub in Ghana are tapping into these resources to increase women’s incomes and resistance to climate change. Savannah Fruits Company, a shea butter exporter, is mobilizing women in cooperatives to process shea nuts into butter using artisanal methods with climate-smart adaptations. AMAATI is renewing an ancient African grain, fonio, to help women cultivate abandoned lands with this drought-resistant crop.

With support from the Trade Hub, these two companies are connecting the grassroots to the international market while ensuring that generations to come can profit from West Africa’s bountiful resources.

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