Education Crisis Response: Healing communities, one classroom at a time

Posted January 19, 2018 .
1 min read.

Education can be a source of healing and stability during conflict. At the height of violent extremists’ attacks in northern Nigeria, more than 2.5 million people were forced to flee their homes. With more than 1 million children among the victims, a clear path forward was needed to ensure learning continued in a safe environment.

Over the last three years, the Education Crisis Response project has responded to this need by providing more than 80,000 displaced or out-of-school children and youth with basic literacy and numeracy skills and psychosocial support in safe and supportive environments, called non-formal learning centers. The project was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by Creative Associates International, the International Rescue Committee, the Nigerian government and local non-governmental organizations.

As the project comes to a close, look inside the communities that made it possible for learners to find a brighter path forward.

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